Create DO

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Navigation:  Delivery Order >

Create DO


Hit "Delivery order" to create the new delivery order.


DO New



Choose the Delivery To and Trucker from the drop down list:


Do Delivery Order


If you need to create new delivery profile you can click New in the drop down list and fill the data as below:


If 'delivery to' location is the same as importer's, you can click Fill button to auto fill the information. Also, you can add the trucker in the Truckers section if same one will be handling the delivery to this location.  


DO CDelivery profile


All possible delivery profiles can be added on the importer's contact screen. You can also assign the main delivery profile and it will be autofilled when you create the DO.


Go to the importer's contact record -> Additional -> button "Delivery profiles".

Hit "New" to create the new profile. Hit Main to make one of the profiles defaulted one.



DO DO profiles