NHTSA Off Road Vehicle

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NHTSA Off Road Vehicle


This is an example of filing NHTSA for an off-road vehicle.

Follow the steps below to fill in the data:

1.Choose the Government agency code;

2.Click the Autofill button to autofill the data from the entry;

3.Click the Save button;

4.Click the Check button to validate your PGA and see what other required info is missing.


PGA Autofill DOT


After PGA validation you will get a list of required data that is missing. Double click on each error line and the system will bring you to the appropriate place to correct the error.

After the errors are fixed click Save and Check buttons again. If no other error appears you can close the PGA screen.  


PGA Entry validation errors  DOT


For the off-road vehicle, you need to add the following information: trade name, model on PG07, and category code on PG10 as below.


PGA Vehicle details